How to Run a Web Server on Google Cloud

Are you interested in running a web server on Google Cloud’s virtual machine but don’t know where to start? In this article, we will guide you through the process step by step. By the end, you will be able to run your own Hello World program on Google Cloud. Let’s dive in!

Web Server On Google Cloud
Web Server On Google Cloud

Table of Contents

Creating a Virtual Machine

To begin, you need to create a virtual machine on Google Cloud. Navigate to the Google Cloud console and click on the “Create VM” button or search for “VM Instances” under Compute Engine. Fill in the necessary details and choose a region close to your location. Make sure to enable HTTP traffic. Once you click create, the virtual machine will be created for you.

Installing Apache Server

Now that your virtual machine is ready, it’s time to install the Apache server. Open a new browser window and log into the virtual machine using the external IP provided. Once inside the console, execute the command sudo apt update to update the package manager. Then, install the Apache server by running sudo apt install apache2. After a successful installation, you can configure the default page by editing the index.html file located in /var/www/html/. Refreshing the page will reflect your changes.

Understanding Internal and External IPs

Every time you create a virtual machine, it is assigned both an internal IP and an external IP. The internal IP remains the same, while the external IP can change each time you start and stop the machine. To make your external IP static, go to the IP addresses section in the Google Cloud console and reserve the address. This ensures that your web server remains accessible from the same IP address.

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Running a web server on Google Cloud’s virtual machine is easier than you might think. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up your own server and start hosting your website in no time. Remember to reserve a static IP address if you want to maintain a consistent external IP. Happy hosting!

Keywords: web server, Google Cloud, virtual machine, Apache server, IP addresses.

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How to Run a Web Server on Google Cloud