Host Server on AWS – Insurance Blog

Are you looking for a simple and cost-effective way to deploy your application? Look no further than AWS EC2! In this article, I’ll walk you through the process of deploying your application to AWS EC2 and show you how it can be integrated into a CI/CD pipeline.

Host server on AWS
Host server on AWS

What is AWS EC2?

EC2 stands for Elastic Cloud Computing, a service provided by Amazon Web Services. With EC2, you can rent virtual machines (VMs) in the cloud, avoiding the need to invest in expensive physical servers. EC2 instances can be customized according to your needs, including CPU, RAM, and storage configurations.

Benefits of using AWS EC2

  • Cost-effective: You only pay for the hours you use the instance, making it a cost-effective option.
  • Flexible: You can easily scale your resources up or down by adjusting the instance specifications.
  • Secure: AWS provides features like Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and security groups to keep your instances secure.
  • Easy to use: With a user-friendly interface, you can create and manage instances in just a few clicks.

Step-by-step guide to deploy your application on AWS EC2

Step 1: Create a VPC and configure security groups

Before creating an EC2 instance, you must set up a virtual private cloud (VPC) and configure your security groups. A VPC acts as a network for your instances, allowing you to control access and configure network settings. Security groups, on the other hand, filter incoming and outgoing requests to your instances.

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Step 2: Create an EC2 instance

  1. Choose your region and launch a new instance.
  2. Name your instance and select the operating system (OS) (for example, choose Amazon Linux by default if you prefer a Linux distribution).
  3. Specify the instance size based on your needs and budget.
  4. Configure network settings, making sure to choose a public subnet to allow outside access.
  5. Assign a public IP address to your instance for external access.
  6. Select the appropriate security group that you configured earlier.
  7. Leave the storage settings at default.
  8. Launch the instance and wait for it to become available.

Step 3: Connect to your EC2 instance

  1. Get the public IP address of your instance.
  2. Use SSH to connect to your instance using the default user “ec2-user”.
  3. Once logged in, you can install any necessary dependencies, such as Java, for your application.

Step 4: Deploy your application to the EC2 instance

  1. Compile and package your application.
  2. Upload the package to AWS S3, a simple storage service that lets you store and retrieve files.
  3. Configure a startup script in the EC2 instance to download and run the latest version of your application from S3.

Step 5: Automate your deployment with CI/CD

To automate the deployment process, integrate your CI/CD pipeline with AWS EC2. Here’s how:

  1. Create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from your EC2 instance, which will serve as a backup of the contents of your instance.
  2. Use the user data script, which runs at startup, to download the latest version of your application from S3 and start it.
  3. After testing and packaging your application into the pipeline, upload the package to S3 and start a new EC2 instance from the AMI.
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AWS EC2 provides reliable and scalable infrastructure for deploying your applications. By following these steps, you can easily configure your EC2 instance, deploy your application, and even automate the process through a CI/CD pipeline. Stay tuned for more articles on deploying applications to other AWS services like Lambda and ECS. Happy deployment!

Image source: Unsplash

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Host server on AWS